المراجعات 13
2023-10-15 15:50:30

LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Qué...

LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec offers fantastic international youth programs. These programs provide young people with the opportunity to immerse themselves in different cultures, develop valuable skills, and create lifelong memories. The staff at LOJIQ is incredibly helpful and supportive, ensuring that participants have a successful and enriching experience. I highly recommend LOJIQ to any young person looking to expand their horizons!

2023-9-22 21:44:02

LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Qué...

LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec is a fantastic organization that caters to the needs of young people. Their international youth programs are well-crafted and provide a diverse range of experiences. The staff is highly attentive and always willing to assist. I had an amazing time during the program I participated in, making new friends and creating memories that will last a lifetime. I highly recommend LOJIQ to every young person seeking personal and professional growth!

2023-8-25 1:14:16

💫LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Qu...

💫LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec💫 provides exceptional opportunities for young people to explore the world and gain valuable experiences. Their international youth programs are meticulously designed and offer a perfect balance between learning, growth, and enjoyment. The staff is incredibly friendly and goes above and beyond to ensure the participants' satisfaction. I am grateful for the opportunity I had with LOJIQ and I can't wait to see more young people benefit from their programs! 🌎

2023-8-20 8:20:08

I recently took part in a wonderful international ...

I recently took part in a wonderful international youth program organized by a Quebec-based organization. The program was absolutely amazing, offering unique experiences and opportunities to connect with people from around the world. The team behind the program was exceptional, providing guidance and support throughout the entire journey. It was an unforgettable experience that broadened my horizons and helped me grow personally and professionally.

2023-7-24 4:18:41

LOJIQ 🌍 is an amazing organization! Their internat...

LOJIQ 🌍 is an amazing organization! Their international youth programs provide incredible opportunities for young people to explore the world and develop a global perspective. I had the privilege of participating in one of their programs and it was life-changing. The program was well-organized, the staff was friendly and supportive, and the experience was truly unforgettable. LOJIQ goes above and beyond to empower and inspire young people. 👍

2023-7-9 7:38:23

LOJIQ is a wonderful company to work with! Their i...

LOJIQ is a wonderful company to work with! Their international youth programs are top-notch and provide incredible opportunities for young people to gain global experience. The staff is very friendly and supportive, always willing to go the extra mile to ensure the success of their programs. I highly recommend LOJIQ to any young person looking to expand their horizons and grow both personally and professionally. The impact they have on the lives of young people is truly remarkable.

2023-3-15 7:40:52

I recently participated in a LOJIQ international y...

I recently participated in a LOJIQ international youth program and it was an amazing experience! The program offered a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth. The team at LOJIQ was incredibly supportive throughout the entire process, from application to program completion. They provided valuable resources and guidance, ensuring that I had a seamless and rewarding experience. LOJIQ truly surpassed my expectations and I would highly recommend their programs to any young person seeking to broaden their horizons!

2023-2-1 5:26:59

🌟LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Qu...

🌟LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec🌟 deserves all the praise for their outstanding international youth programs! Not only did the program allow me to explore different countries and cultures, but it also provided a platform for personal and professional growth. The team at LOJIQ was incredibly supportive and provided valuable resources at every step. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for this life-changing experience! 🙌

2023-1-24 20:48:24

LOJIQ is an incredible organization! Their interna...

LOJIQ is an incredible organization! Their international youth programs offer young people the chance to broaden their horizons, enhance their skills, and create lifelong connections. I had the privilege of participating in one of their programs and it was truly transformative. The program was well-structured, the staff was highly knowledgeable and supportive, and the experience was filled with memorable moments. I can't recommend LOJIQ enough!

2023-1-7 13:02:32

I recently had the pleasure of joining one of LOJI...

I recently had the pleasure of joining one of LOJIQ's international youth programs and it was truly remarkable. The program was thoughtfully designed, allowing participants to immerse themselves in different cultures, develop skills, and build connections. The support and guidance provided by the LOJIQ team were exceptional, ensuring a seamless experience. I am grateful for the opportunity and I highly recommend LOJIQ to any young person ready to explore the world!

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حول LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec

LOJIQ - Les Office jeunesse internationaux du Québec هي منظمة غير ربحية تهدف إلى تزويد الشباب بفرص لتنمية مواهبهم وتقديم أفضل موارد التنقل لهم. تأسست المنظمة في عام 1965 ومنذ ذلك الحين تقدم للشباب برامج متنوعة تساعدهم على النمو على المستوى الشخصي والمهني.

الهدف الأساسي لـ LOJIQ هو تعزيز التنقل الدولي بين الشباب في كيبيك. تقدم المنظمة العديد من البرامج ، بما في ذلك التدريب الداخلي والتبادل والدورات التدريبية ، والتي تتيح للشباب اكتساب خبرة قيمة في الخارج. تم تصميم هذه البرامج لمساعدة المشاركين على تطوير مهاراتهم ، وتوسيع آفاقهم ، وبناء علاقات دائمة مع أشخاص من ثقافات مختلفة.

يعد برنامج التدريب الدولي أحد أشهر البرامج التي تقدمها LOJIQ. يوفر هذا البرنامج للطلاب والخريجين الجدد فرصة لاكتساب خبرة عملية في بلد أجنبي مع تحسين مهاراتهم اللغوية أيضًا. يمكن للمشاركين الاختيار من بين مجموعة واسعة من المجالات مثل إدارة الأعمال أو الهندسة أو العلوم الاجتماعية أو الفنون.

برنامج آخر تقدمه LOJIQ هو برنامج تبادل الشباب الذي يسمح للمشاركين الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 18 و 35 عامًا بالسفر إلى الخارج لمدة تصل إلى ستة أشهر أثناء العيش مع عائلات مضيفة أو في سكن مشترك. يساعد هذا البرنامج المشاركين على تحسين مهاراتهم اللغوية مع اكتساب المعرفة الثقافية حول البلدان الأخرى.

تقدم LOJIQ أيضًا دورات تدريبية للمهنيين الشباب الذين يرغبون في تعزيز مهاراتهم في مجالات محددة مثل ريادة الأعمال أو تطوير القيادة. تم تصميم هذه الدورات للأفراد الذين يرغبون في مواجهة تحديات جديدة أو بدء أعمالهم التجارية الخاصة.

بالإضافة إلى هذه البرامج ، تقدم LOJIQ الدعم المالي من خلال المنح والمنح الدراسية لأولئك الذين يرغبون في المشاركة ولكن قد لا يكون لديهم أموال كافية متاحة بخلاف ذلك.

بشكل عام ، تلعب LOJIQ - Les Office jeunesse internationaux du Québec دورًا أساسيًا في تعزيز التنقل الدولي بين سكان كيبيك الشباب من خلال تقديم العديد من الفرص التي تمكنهم ليس فقط من النمو الشخصي ولكن التطور المهني أيضًا. من خلال التزامها بتوفير موارد عالية الجودة للتنقل إلى جانب شبكتها الواسعة من الشركاء في جميع أنحاء العالم ، تجعلها واحدة من المنظمات الرائدة المكرسة فقط لتمكين الشباب من خلال الظهور الدولي!

LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec

LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec
