المراجعات 12
2023-9-23 16:39:35

🎵 The Eugene Symphony Association is absolutely am...

🎵 The Eugene Symphony Association is absolutely amazing! 🎺 Their performances are filled with such passion and emotion that it's impossible not to be moved. The musicians are incredibly talented and their dedication to their craft is evident in every note they play. The symphony has a way of transporting you to another world, where music is the only thing that matters. I'm so grateful to have such a wonderful symphony in our city!

2023-9-13 11:11:18

I had the pleasure of attending a concert by the l...

I had the pleasure of attending a concert by the local symphony recently and it was truly a magical experience. The musicians were incredibly talented and their passion for music was evident in every note. The conductor did a fantastic job of bringing out the emotion in each piece and the selection of music was diverse and exciting. I highly recommend checking out a performance by The Eugene Symphony Association - you won't be disappointed!

2023-8-30 2:28:22

🎵 The Eugene Symphony Association is simply outsta...

🎵 The Eugene Symphony Association is simply outstanding! 🎺 The performances are always mesmerizing and the musicians are incredibly talented. The conductor has a unique ability to capture the essence of each piece and bring it to life. The symphony has played a significant role in enriching our city's cultural scene. I'm so grateful for their contributions and look forward to attending many more of their performances!

2023-7-10 22:31:20

I recently attended a performance by The Eugene Sy...

I recently attended a performance by The Eugene Symphony Association and it was truly remarkable. The musicians were incredibly talented and the conductor was exceptional. The repertoire was diverse and beautifully executed. I was particularly impressed with the symphony's interpretation of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 - it was absolutely magnificent. The Eugene Symphony Association is definitely a world-class orchestra and I highly recommend their performances to anyone who appreciates fine music.

2023-6-18 4:56:25

I recently attended a performance by The Eugene Sy...

I recently attended a performance by The Eugene Symphony Association and it was absolutely fantastic! The musicians were incredibly talented and their passion for music was evident in every note. The conductor did a phenomenal job of leading the orchestra and the selection of music was diverse and captivating. I left the performance feeling uplifted and inspired. The Eugene Symphony Association is definitely a treasure in our community!

2023-3-20 0:32:14

🎻 The Eugene Symphony Association is absolutely ph...

🎻 The Eugene Symphony Association is absolutely phenomenal! The performances are always top-notch and the musicians never fail to deliver a breathtaking experience. The conductor is brilliant and has an incredible ability to bring out the best in the orchestra. The symphony has become a cornerstone of our community and I'm so grateful to have such a talented group of musicians right in our backyard. Keep up the amazing work!

2023-3-5 9:13:36

I recently had the pleasure of attending a perform...

I recently had the pleasure of attending a performance by The Eugene Symphony Association and it was absolutely breathtaking. The musicians were incredibly skilled and their passion for music was palpable. The conductor did a phenomenal job of guiding the orchestra and the selection of music was diverse and thought-provoking. I left the concert feeling inspired and uplifted. The Eugene Symphony Association is truly a gem!

2023-2-16 14:23:01

Attended a performance by the symphony last night ...

Attended a performance by the symphony last night and it was a breathtaking experience. The musicians were superb and the conductor was outstanding. The selection of music was diverse and each piece was performed with great precision. The symphony has definitely raised the bar for live music in our city. I can't wait to attend future performances and see what they have in store for us!

2023-2-5 19:32:10

I have been to several symphony performances and I...

I have been to several symphony performances and I must say that The Eugene Symphony Association stands out among them. The musicians are highly skilled and their performances are always captivating. The selection of music is always interesting and the conductor does a fantastic job of bringing out the best in the orchestra. I love the fact that the symphony is constantly evolving and exploring new musical territories. I can't wait to attend their next concert!

2020-2-24 23:04:47

بصفتي متابعًا منذ فترة طويلة لـ Eugene Symphony & ...

بصفتي متابعًا منذ فترة طويلة لـ Eugene Symphony & ومركز Hulr بشكل عام ، لا يسعني إلا أن أقول ذلك ببساطة - إنهم يقومون بعمل رائع للمجتمع بقيمة إنتاجهم وجودته. خمسة من أصل خمسة نجوم.


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حول The Eugene Symphony Association

تعتبر Eugene Symphony Association منظمة غير ربحية تعمل على إثراء حياة الناس من خلال قوة الموسيقى لأكثر من 50 عامًا. يقع مقر السيمفونية في يوجين بولاية أوريغون ، وقد أصبحت رمزًا ثقافيًا في المنطقة. تحت قيادة مدير الموسيقى والقائد الموسيقي فرانشيسكو ليتشي-تشونغ ، تتمثل مهمة Eugene Symphony في تقديم موسيقى عالمية المستوى إلى الجماهير.

تأسست جمعية Eugene Symphony Association في عام 1966 من قبل مجموعة من الموسيقيين المحليين الذين أرادوا إنشاء أوركسترا تكون بمثابة مركز ثقافي لمجتمعهم. منذ ذلك الحين ، نمت لتصبح واحدة من أكثر الفرق الموسيقية احترامًا في ولاية أوريغون ، مع أكثر من 30 موسيقيًا بدوام كامل وميزانية سنوية تزيد عن مليوني دولار.

الشيء الوحيد الذي يميز Eugene Symphony عن الفرق الموسيقية الأخرى هو التزامها بالتعليم. تقدم السمفونية مجموعة متنوعة من البرامج التعليمية المصممة لتعريف الشباب بالموسيقى الكلاسيكية وإلهامهم لمتابعة مهن في الموسيقى. تتضمن هذه البرامج زيارات مدرسية من قبل موسيقيين سيمفونيين ، وحيوانات ملاعبة للأدوات حيث يمكن للأطفال تجربة أدوات مختلفة ، ودروس رئيسية مع فنانين زائرين.

بالإضافة إلى برامجها التعليمية ، تقيم Eugene Symphony مجموعة متنوعة من الحفلات الموسيقية على مدار العام. تتراوح هذه الحفلات الموسيقية من العروض الكلاسيكية التقليدية التي تتميز بأعمال بيتهوفن أو موزارت إلى عروض أكثر معاصرة تضم موسيقى الجاز أو موسيقى البوب. أحد الأحداث الشهيرة هو "SymFest" ، الذي يقام كل صيف ويتميز بالموسيقى الحية جنبًا إلى جنب مع عربات الطعام وأنشطة أخرى مناسبة للعائلات.

جانب آخر فريد من نوعه لجمعية Eugene Symphony هو التزامها بالتنوع والشمول. تبحث السيمفونية بنشاط عن الملحنين وفناني الأداء غير الممثلين تمثيلاً ناقصًا لعرض أعمالهم على المسرح. كما أنها شركاء مع منظمات محلية مثل Centro Latino Americano و NAACP Lane County من أجل الوصول إلى مجتمعات متنوعة داخل قاعدة جمهورها.

بشكل عام ، إذا كنت تبحث عن تجربة موسيقية استثنائية تجمع بين العروض ذات المستوى العالمي والمشاركة المجتمعية ومبادرات التعليم - لا تنظر إلى أبعد من The Eugene Symphony Association!

The Eugene Symphony Association

The Eugene Symphony Association
