المراجعات 15
2023-11-24 22:23:56

I recently volunteered with an amazing organizatio...

I recently volunteered with an amazing organization that helps children through mentorship programs. I had a wonderful experience working with the staff and other volunteers. It was incredibly rewarding to see the positive impact we had on the lives of the children we worked with. The organization is doing great work in the community and I highly recommend getting involved. It's an opportunity to make a difference and give back. I'm grateful for the experience and will definitely continue supporting this cause.

2023-9-27 6:09:31

I recently volunteered with an organization that f...

I recently volunteered with an organization that focuses on mentorship programs for children in need. It was a truly rewarding experience, and I was impressed by the dedication of the staff and volunteers. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee is making a significant difference in the lives of these children, providing them with the support and guidance they need to thrive. I highly recommend getting involved with this organization and becoming a mentor. It's an opportunity to make a lasting impact on a child's life.

2023-9-21 6:43:50

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee is a r...

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee is a remarkable organization that truly makes a difference in the lives of children. The staff and volunteers are dedicated, compassionate, and go above and beyond to provide support and guidance. I have had the privilege of being a Big Brother for over two years, and it has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Seeing the positive impact I can have on my Little Brother's life is truly inspiring. I highly recommend getting involved with this organization if you're looking to make a meaningful difference in your community.

2023-7-11 5:32:29

🌟 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee is a...

🌟 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee is an amazing organization that is truly changing lives. I had the privilege of being a Big Sister, and it was an incredible experience to see the positive impact we can have on a child's life. The mentorship programs offered are exceptional, and the support provided by the staff and volunteers is outstanding. I highly recommend getting involved with BBBS and becoming a mentor. Together, we can make a difference! 🌟

2023-6-21 12:28:59

Volunteering as a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sis...

Volunteering as a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee has been an amazing experience. Being able to provide support and guidance to a child who needs it is incredibly fulfilling. The organization does an excellent job of connecting mentors with mentees and providing the necessary resources to make the mentorship impactful. I truly believe in the mission of BBBS and recommend it to anyone looking to make a positive difference in a child's life.

2023-6-12 20:29:22

As a Big Brother with Big Brothers Big Sisters of ...

As a Big Brother with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee, I can say that this organization truly makes a difference. The dedicated staff and volunteers work tirelessly to provide mentorship and support to children in need. It's an incredibly rewarding experience to see the positive impact we can have on these young lives. The mentorship programs offered by BBBS are top-notch and make a lasting impact. I'm proud to be a part of this organization and highly recommend it to others.

2023-5-10 15:45:27

I recently volunteered with a local organization t...

I recently volunteered with a local organization that focuses on mentorship programs for children. It was an amazing experience to be able to give back and help shape the lives of these kids. The programs offered by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee provide much-needed support and guidance to children who may not have access to such resources otherwise. I highly recommend getting involved with this organization; it's a great way to make a difference in the community.

2023-5-9 0:05:30

🌟 I had the most incredible experience volunteerin...

🌟 I had the most incredible experience volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee! It's heartwarming to see how this organization positively impacts the lives of children. The support and guidance they provide are invaluable. I highly recommend becoming a mentor and making a difference in a child's life. Together, we can create a brighter future for these young individuals. 🌟

2023-3-20 8:22:54

🌟 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee is d...

🌟 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee is doing an incredible job of positively impacting the lives of children. I had the privilege of being a part of their mentorship program, and it was truly rewarding. The staff and volunteers are dedicated, caring, and make a significant difference in the lives of these young individuals. I highly recommend getting involved and becoming a mentor. Together, we can create a better future for these children. 🌟

2023-2-16 14:05:46

I recently became a mentor with Big Brothers Big S...

I recently became a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee, and it has been an incredibly rewarding experience. The organization's commitment to providing support and guidance to children is truly inspiring. The staff and volunteers are dedicated and passionate about making a difference. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this organization and highly recommend it to others who are looking to give back to their community.

2023-1-16 0:06:58

I've had an incredible experience volunteering wit...

I've had an incredible experience volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee. The organization's dedication to helping children is unparalleled. The mentorship programs they offer are exceptional and make a real impact in the lives of the children involved. I highly recommend becoming a mentor with BBBS if you want to make a positive difference in a child's life and contribute to the community. It's a truly rewarding experience that I will cherish forever.

2020-6-13 4:27:54

هذه المنظمة هي واحدة من المنظمات القليلة التي تخاط...

هذه المنظمة هي واحدة من المنظمات القليلة التي تخاطب الأطفال على وجه التحديد ، والأشياء التي يتعاملون معها مثل الإجهاد ، والأهداف المدرسية ، والصحة العقلية وما إلى ذلك بسبب COVID ، لم تتح لي الفرصة لمقابلة "القليل" ولكني آمل عندما يكون العالم تعود الأمور إلى طبيعتها وسوف تعود إلى مسارها الصحيح!


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حول Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee: إشعال قوة الشباب ووعدهم

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee هي منظمة غير ربحية تخدم المجتمع منذ عام 1975. تتمثل مهمة المنظمة في إنشاء ودعم علاقات التوجيه الفردية التي تشعل قوة الشباب ووعودهم. من خلال تزويد الأطفال بنماذج إيجابية ، تساعدهم Big Brothers Big Sisters على الوصول إلى إمكاناتهم الكاملة ويصبحوا بالغين ناجحين.

تم تصميم برامج المنظمة لمساعدة الأطفال الذين يواجهون الشدائد ، بما في ذلك أولئك الذين يعيشون في منازل الوالد الوحيد ، أو الأسر ذات الدخل المنخفض ، أو أولئك الذين عانوا من الصدمات. من خلال برامج التوجيه الخاصة بها ، تزود Big Brothers Big Sisters الأطفال بموجهين بالغين مهتمين يقدمون التوجيه والدعم والتشجيع.

أحد أهم جوانب البرنامج هو تركيزه على بناء علاقات قوية بين الموجهين والمتدربين. تقوم المنظمة بمطابقة كل طفل بعناية مع مرشد بناءً على الاهتمامات المشتركة وسمات الشخصية وعوامل أخرى. يضمن ذلك أن يتلقى كل طفل اهتمامًا شخصيًا من مرشد يفهم احتياجاته الفريدة.

تقدم Big Brothers Big Sisters عدة أنواع مختلفة من برامج التوجيه لتلبية احتياجات الأطفال المختلفين في المجتمع. يتطابق برنامجها التقليدي القائم على المجتمع بين المتطوعين والأطفال في علاقات فردية تستمر لمدة عام واحد على الأقل. خلال هذا الوقت ، يقضي الموجهون وقتًا مع متدربينهم في القيام بأنشطة ممتعة مثل ممارسة الرياضة أو الذهاب إلى المتاحف.

يعد البرنامج المدرسي خيارًا آخر للمتطوعين الذين يرغبون في إحداث تغيير في حياة الطفل ولكن قد لا يكون لديهم الكثير من وقت الفراغ خارج ساعات العمل. في هذا البرنامج المصمم على غرار جلسات التدريس التقليدية حيث يزور المتطوعون المدارس أثناء وقت الغداء أو بعد ساعات الدوام مرة واحدة في الأسبوع لجلسة مدتها ساعة حيث يمكنهم مساعدة الطلاب على إكمال واجباتهم المنزلية أو الانخراط في أنشطة تعليمية أخرى.

بالإضافة إلى هذين البرنامجين الرئيسيين اللذين تقدمهما BBBSMM ، هناك أيضًا برامج متخصصة مثل "Bigs in Blue" الذي يجمع بين ضباط الشرطة والشباب ؛ "Beyond School Walls" الذي يجمع شركاء من الشركات مثل موظفي Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company كموجهين ؛ "Mentoring 2 Match" الذي يركز على مطابقة شباب LGBTQ + مع نماذج الكبار الداعمة ؛ "برنامج Amachi Mentoring" الذي يخدم الشباب المتأثرين بالحبس ؛ من بين أمور أخرى.

يلعب المتطوعون دورًا أساسيًا في مساعدة BBBSMM على تحقيق مهمتها من خلال التبرع بوقتهم كموجهين أو دعم جهود جمع التبرعات من خلال التبرعات أو الرعاية. تعتمد المنظمة بشكل كبير على التبرعات من الأفراد والشركات على حد سواء حتى تتمكن من الاستمرار في تقديم خدمات عالية الجودة دون فرض رسوم على العائلات التي تخدمها BBBSMM.

إذا كنت مهتمًا بالتطوع بوقتك كموجه أو التبرع لدعم مهمة BBBSMM ، يرجى زيارة موقعنا على الإنترنت على www.bbbsmilwaukee.org اليوم!

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee
