المراجعات 13
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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I can't express how much I loved my stay at ...

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I can't express how much I loved my stay at the Big Sky Resort Area District. The breathtaking views, luxurious accommodations, and exceptional service exceeded all my expectations. The resort offers a wide range of activities for all ages, ensuring that there's something for everyone. The tax money collected is put to good use, as the resort is well-maintained and constantly improving. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this resort to anyone looking for a memorable vacation in a stunning location.

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I had the pleasure of staying at a resort in the B...

I had the pleasure of staying at a resort in the Big Sky area and it was truly incredible. The resort itself was stunning, with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. The staff was friendly and accommodating, ensuring that my stay was enjoyable. The amenities were top-notch and the resort was well-maintained. I would highly recommend visiting this area for a vacation getaway.

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I recently had the pleasure of staying at a resort...

I recently had the pleasure of staying at a resort in the Big Sky area and it was an unforgettable experience. The resort itself was absolutely stunning, with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. The amenities were top-notch, and the staff was incredibly friendly and accommodating. I would highly recommend visiting the Big Sky Resort area for a truly incredible vacation.

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I had such a fantastic time staying at the Big Sky...

I had such a fantastic time staying at the Big Sky Resort Area District. The resort is stunning and offers a wide range of activities for everyone. The staff was friendly and accommodating, ensuring that my stay was enjoyable. The amenities were top-notch, and the resort was well-maintained. I can't wait to visit again!

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I recently visited the Big Sky Resort Area Distric...

I recently visited the Big Sky Resort Area District and had an amazing time. The resort is stunning and offers a wide range of activities for guests to enjoy. The staff was friendly and helpful, ensuring that my stay was enjoyable. The amenities were top-notch and the resort was well-maintained. I would highly recommend visiting this resort for a memorable vacation experience.

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I had the most amazing time staying at a resort in...

I had the most amazing time staying at a resort in the beautiful Big Sky area. The resort was absolutely incredible, with luxurious accommodations and stunning views. The staff was friendly and attentive, making sure that every aspect of my stay was perfect. I would highly recommend visiting this area for a vacation getaway!

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The Big Sky Resort Area District is truly a hidden...

The Big Sky Resort Area District is truly a hidden gem. The resort offers breathtaking views, luxurious accommodations, and top-notch service. The staff is friendly and attentive, always going out of their way to ensure that your stay is enjoyable. The tax money collected is put to good use, as the resort is constantly improving and maintaining its facilities. I would highly recommend visiting this resort for an unforgettable vacation experience.

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The Big Sky Resort Area District is an incredible ...

The Big Sky Resort Area District is an incredible place to visit. The stunning views, spacious accommodations, and top-notch amenities make it a great choice for a vacation. The staff is friendly and attentive, always willing to go the extra mile to ensure your stay is enjoyable. The tax money collected goes toward maintaining and improving the resort, which is evident in the overall quality of the facilities. I highly recommend visiting Big Sky Resort Area District for a memorable and relaxing experience.

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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 My stay at the Big Sky Resort Area District ...

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 My stay at the Big Sky Resort Area District was nothing short of excellent. The resort is absolutely stunning, with luxurious accommodations and breathtaking views. The staff went above and beyond to ensure that my stay was perfect, and the amenities were top-notch. The tax money collected is put to good use, as the resort is constantly improving and maintaining its facilities. I would highly recommend visiting this resort for an amazing vacation experience.

منذ سنة واحدة

I recently had the pleasure of staying at the Big ...

I recently had the pleasure of staying at the Big Sky Resort Area District and it was an incredible experience. The resort itself is absolutely stunning, with breathtaking views and luxurious accommodations. The staff was friendly and helpful, ensuring that my stay was enjoyable. The amenities were top-notch, and the resort was well-maintained. I would highly recommend visiting this area for a vacation you won't forget.

منذ سنة واحدة

😊 My stay at the Big Sky Resort Area District was ...

😊 My stay at the Big Sky Resort Area District was absolutely wonderful. The resort offers breathtaking views of the surrounding nature and the staff was incredibly friendly and helpful during my stay. The accommodations were luxurious and comfortable, making it the perfect place to relax and unwind. I would definitely visit this resort again in the future!

منذ سنة واحدة

I recently stayed at a resort in the Big Sky area ...

I recently stayed at a resort in the Big Sky area and had a fantastic time. The resort was beautiful and had all the amenities I could ask for. The staff were friendly and accommodating, making sure that my stay was comfortable and enjoyable. The location was perfect, with stunning views of the surrounding mountains. I would highly recommend visiting this area for a vacation getaway. It's truly a hidden gem.

منذ سنة واحدة

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 My stay at the Big Sky Resort Area District ...

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 My stay at the Big Sky Resort Area District was beyond amazing. The resort itself is absolutely beautiful, with luxurious accommodations and breathtaking views. The staff was friendly and helpful throughout my stay. The amenities were top-notch, and the resort is constantly improving and maintaining its facilities. I would highly recommend this resort to anyone looking for a memorable vacation.

حول Big sky resort area district

منطقة منتجع بيج سكاي: وجهة رئيسية للمغامرة والاسترخاء

تقع منطقة منتجع Big Sky في قلب جبال روكي في مونتانا ، وهي وجهة رئيسية للمغامرة والاسترخاء. تم إنشاء هذه المنطقة في عام 1992 ، وتغطي مساحة تزيد عن 1500 ميل مربع وتشمل منتجع Big Sky ذي الشهرة العالمية ، فضلاً عن العديد من منتجعات التزلج الأخرى وملاعب الجولف ومسارات المشي لمسافات طويلة والمعالم الطبيعية.

إحدى الميزات الفريدة لمنطقة منتجع Big Sky هي ضريبة المنتجع. في عام 1992 ، تبنت المنطقة ضريبة منتجع بنسبة 3٪ ليتم فرضها على السلع "الفاخرة" والخدمات التي لا تعتبر من ضروريات الحياة. كانت هذه الضريبة مفيدة في تمويل تحسينات البنية التحتية مثل الطرق والجسور وأنظمة المياه وخدمات السلامة العامة التي تعود بالنفع على السكان والزوار على حدٍ سواء.

يعد Big Sky Resort نفسه أحد أكبر منتجعات التزلج على الجليد في أمريكا الشمالية مع أكثر من 5800 فدان قابل للتزلج منتشرة عبر أربعة جبال. مع متوسط ​​تساقط ثلوج سنوي يزيد عن 400 بوصة في السنة وانخفاض عمودي لأكثر من 4350 قدمًا من Lone Peak إلى Mountain Village Base Area - فلا عجب لماذا يجذب هذا المنتجع المتزلجين من جميع أنحاء العالم.

لكن التزلج ليس كل ما تقدمه Big Sky. خلال أشهر الصيف ، يمكن للزوار الاستمتاع بالمشي لمسافات طويلة عبر المسارات ذات المناظر الخلابة أو لعب الجولف في أحد ملاعب البطولات العديدة الموجودة داخل المنطقة. يوفر نهر جالاتين بعض فرص صيد الأسماك بالذبابة الممتازة بينما يقع منتزه يلوستون الوطني على بعد مسافة قصيرة بالسيارة حيث يمكنك مشاهدة تندلع الينابيع الساخنة أو مشاهدة الحياة البرية وهي تتجول بحرية.

لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن شيء أكثر راحة ، هناك الكثير من المنتجعات الصحية التي تقدم التدليك أو الينابيع الساخنة حيث يمكنك نقع همومك بعيدًا أثناء الاستمتاع بالمناظر الخلابة من حولك.

تجدر الإشارة أيضًا إلى مشهد تناول الطعام في Big Sky مع العديد من المطاعم التي تقدم المأكولات اللذيذة بدءًا من المأكولات المحلية المفضلة مثل برجر البيسون إلى الأطباق العالمية مثل لفائف السوشي التي يتم إعدادها طازجة يوميًا بواسطة طهاة مهرة.

أماكن الإقامة في منطقة منتجع Big Sky وفيرة وتتنوع من شقق فاخرة للتزلج على الجليد إلى الداخل/إلى الخارج إلى الكبائن المريحة المخبأة بعيدًا في الغابة. هناك شيء للجميع هنا ، سواء كنت تبحث عن عطلة رومانسية أو عطلة عائلية.

تعد المنطقة أيضًا موطنًا للعديد من الأحداث على مدار العام بما في ذلك المهرجانات الموسيقية والعروض الفنية والأحداث الرياضية. يعد حدث Big Sky PBR (Professional Bull Riders) أحد أكثر الأحداث شعبية التي تقام سنويًا وتجذب الآلاف من الزوار من جميع أنحاء العالم.

في الختام ، إذا كنت تبحث عن إجازة مليئة بالمغامرات أو ترغب فقط في الاسترخاء والاستمتاع ببعض المناظر الخلابة - فابحث عن منطقة منتجع Big Sky. مع التزلج على مستوى عالمي ، والغولف ، ومسارات المشي ، والمعالم الطبيعية والمزيد - لا توجد أبدًا لحظة مملة هنا. تعال لزيارتنا اليوم وجرب كل ما تقدمه مونتانا!

Big sky resort area district

Big sky resort area district
