المراجعات 12
2023-11-24 15:13:50

I have recently come across Norwegian People's Aid...

I have recently come across Norwegian People's Aid and I am blown away by the incredible work they are doing. Their dedication to humanitarian assistance and their efforts to promote peace and justice are truly inspiring. The impact they have made in communities around the world is undeniable. I strongly support their mission and encourage others to do the same.

2023-9-20 14:11:53

I recently stumbled upon a remarkable organization...

I recently stumbled upon a remarkable organization that goes by the name Norwegian People's Aid. Their dedication to making a positive impact in communities worldwide is truly commendable. They provide humanitarian assistance and promote peace and justice without seeking recognition for themselves. The world needs more organizations like them. Highly recommended!

2023-9-1 20:19:40

I recently came across an incredible organization ...

I recently came across an incredible organization called Norwegian People's Aid. Their website, npaid.org, showcases their efforts and the impact they are making in communities across the globe. The work they do is truly inspiring and it's refreshing to know that there are organizations out there dedicated to making a difference. Their commitment to providing humanitarian assistance is commendable and I have nothing but respect for them. Highly recommended!

2023-8-12 11:13:00

Norwegian People's Aid is an amazing organization ...

Norwegian People's Aid is an amazing organization that truly cares about making a difference in people's lives. Their dedication to providing humanitarian assistance and promoting peace and justice is commendable. I have been following their work closely and I am impressed by their commitment to helping vulnerable communities around the world. The impact they have made is undeniable and I am proud to support their mission. Keep up the excellent work!

2023-6-21 0:39:02

🌟 I can't express how impressed I am with Norwegia...

🌟 I can't express how impressed I am with Norwegian People's Aid. They are making a real impact on people's lives and their commitment to humanitarian assistance is truly remarkable. Their website, npaid.org, provides a platform to learn more about their work and the stories of those they have helped. Their dedication and compassion shine through. Keep up the fantastic work! 🌟

2023-6-14 13:37:42

I am in awe of Norwegian People's Aid and the incr...

I am in awe of Norwegian People's Aid and the incredible work they are doing. Their dedication to humanitarian assistance is truly inspiring. The impact they have made in communities around the world is remarkable. I highly recommend supporting their cause and learning more about their mission. Thumbs up to Norwegian People's Aid!

2023-6-3 14:15:39

I have been following Norwegian People's Aid for s...

I have been following Norwegian People's Aid for some time now and I must say, they are doing a fantastic job! Their commitment to humanitarian assistance is evident in the impact they have made in communities around the world. The work they do is truly remarkable and it's heartwarming to see the difference they are making. Kudos to the entire team at Norwegian People's Aid!

2023-1-28 14:54:11

Norwegian People's Aid is an impressive organizati...

Norwegian People's Aid is an impressive organization that is working tirelessly to provide humanitarian assistance to those in need. The impact they have made is incredible and their commitment to promoting peace and justice is commendable. I have deep respect for Norwegian People's Aid and the work they do. Highly recommended!

2023-1-27 17:15:57

🌟 Norwegian People's Aid is a phenomenal organizat...

🌟 Norwegian People's Aid is a phenomenal organization that is making a real difference in the lives of many. Their commitment to humanitarian assistance and their efforts to promote peace and justice are truly commendable. I admire their dedication and the impact they have made. Check out their website, npaid.org, to learn more about the incredible work they are doing! 🌟

2022-12-9 21:37:29

🌟 Norwegian People's Aid has been instrumental in ...

🌟 Norwegian People's Aid has been instrumental in providing humanitarian assistance to vulnerable communities across the globe. Their commitment to peace, justice, and equality is unwavering. I am truly amazed by the impact they have made and continue to make. Their website, npaid.org, offers detailed information about their work and is worth checking out. Keep up the great work! 🌟

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حول Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp

مساعدة الشعب النرويجي (NPA) هي منظمة غير ربحية تأسست عام 1939. وهي منظمة التضامن الإنساني التابعة للحركة العمالية ، وتتمثل مهمتها في إنقاذ الأرواح وتخفيف المعاناة وحماية كرامة الإنسان في أوقات الأزمات. تعمل NPA في أكثر من 30 دولة حول العالم ، وتقدم المساعدة الإنسانية لمن هم في أمس الحاجة إليها.

أحد المجالات الرئيسية التي تركز فيها NPA جهودها على الأعمال المتعلقة بالألغام. تعمل المنظمة على إزالة الألغام الأرضية والمتفجرات الأخرى من مخلفات الحرب منذ أكثر من 25 عامًا. ساعد هذا العمل في جعل المجتمعات أكثر أمانًا عن طريق إزالة خطر الذخائر غير المنفجرة من حياتهم اليومية.

بالإضافة إلى الإجراءات المتعلقة بالألغام ، تعمل المنظمة النرويجية لمساعدة الشعوب (NPA) أيضًا على القضايا المتعلقة بنزع السلاح وتحديد الأسلحة. تدعو المنظمة إلى قوانين دولية أقوى تنظم تجارة الأسلحة التقليدية وتعمل مع الحكومات في جميع أنحاء العالم لتعزيز مبادرات نزع السلاح.

هناك مجال آخر حيث يكون لـ NPA تأثير كبير في دعمه للاجئين والنازحين داخليًا. تقدم المنظمة مساعدات الإغاثة الطارئة مثل الغذاء والمأوى والمياه ومرافق الصرف الصحي وخدمات الرعاية الصحية بالإضافة إلى الدعم طويل الأجل من خلال برامج التعليم التي تساعد اللاجئين على إعادة بناء حياتهم.

تعمل المنظمة النرويجية لمساعدة الشعوب (NPA) أيضًا على القضايا المتعلقة بالمساواة بين الجنسين وحقوق المرأة. تعتقد المنظمة أنه يجب أن تتمتع المرأة بفرص متساوية للوصول إلى الموارد مثل خدمات التعليم والرعاية الصحية حتى تتمكن من المشاركة بشكل كامل في المجتمع. ولتحقيق هذه الغاية ، تدعم NPA البرامج التي تمكّن المرأة اقتصاديًا من خلال تزويدها بالتدريب المهني أو قروض التمويل الأصغر.

لن يكون العمل الذي قامت به منظمة المعونة الشعبية النرويجية ممكنًا بدون تفاني موظفيها الملتزمين بإحداث تغيير في حياة الناس كل يوم. يأتي هؤلاء الأفراد من خلفيات متنوعة لكنهم يتشاركون هدفًا مشتركًا: مساعدة الأشخاص الأكثر ضعفًا في أوقات الأزمات.

في الختام ، منظمة المعونة الشعبية النرويجية / نورسك فولكهجيلب هي منظمة تضامن إنساني أساسية مكرسة لإنقاذ الأرواح في أوقات الأزمات في جميع أنحاء العالم من خلال أنشطة مكافحة الألغام. الدعوة لمبادرات نزع السلاح ؛ توفير مساعدات الإغاثة في حالات الطوارئ بما في ذلك المعونة الغذائية والمأوى ؛ دعم المساواة بين الجنسين وبرامج حقوق المرأة من بين أمور أخرى ".

Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp

Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp
