المراجعات 13
2023-11-8 22:45:06

I recently came across an amazing educational inst...

I recently came across an amazing educational institution. The faculty members are highly dedicated and skilled professionals who create a nurturing and engaging learning environment for the students. The curriculum is well-rounded and challenging, ensuring that each student receives a comprehensive education. The school's commitment to fostering creativity and critical thinking is commendable. I have witnessed my child's growth and development since enrolling, and I am incredibly impressed with the progress they have made. I highly recommend this school to any parent seeking an exceptional educational experience for their child.

2023-9-21 8:08:06

Salisbury Academy is an outstanding educational in...

Salisbury Academy is an outstanding educational institution. The faculty members are highly dedicated and skilled professionals who create a nurturing and engaging learning environment for the students. The curriculum is well-rounded and challenging, ensuring that each student receives a comprehensive education. The school's commitment to fostering creativity and critical thinking is commendable. I have witnessed my child's growth and development since enrolling at Salisbury Academy, and I am incredibly impressed with the progress they have made. I highly recommend Salisbury Academy to any parent seeking an exceptional educational experience for their child.

2023-7-17 3:54:43

Salisbury Academy is a remarkable educational inst...

Salisbury Academy is a remarkable educational institution that prioritizes student success. The teachers are dedicated, knowledgeable, and passionate about their subjects. They create a supportive and engaging learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity and critical thinking. The curriculum is comprehensive and well-structured, providing students with a solid foundation in various subjects. My child has flourished academically and grown as an individual since attending Salisbury Academy. I couldn't be happier with our experience here.

2023-7-16 14:24:22

😊 Salisbury Academy is an excellent educational in...

😊 Salisbury Academy is an excellent educational institution. The faculty members are highly dedicated and skilled professionals who create a nurturing and engaging learning environment for the students. The curriculum is well-rounded and challenging, ensuring that each student receives a comprehensive education. The school's commitment to fostering creativity and critical thinking is commendable. I have witnessed my child's growth and development since enrolling, and I am incredibly impressed with the progress they have made. I highly recommend this school to any parent seeking an exceptional educational experience for their child.

2023-6-30 19:21:44

😊 Salisbury Academy provides an excellent educatio...

😊 Salisbury Academy provides an excellent education for children. The faculty members are dedicated professionals who create a supportive and inclusive learning environment. The curriculum is comprehensive and challenging, preparing students for future success. The school also emphasizes the importance of character development and fosters a sense of community among students. My child has thrived both academically and personally since joining Salisbury Academy, and I highly recommend it to any parent looking for a quality education for their child.

2023-6-27 8:37:35

Salisbury Academy offers a fantastic education for...

Salisbury Academy offers a fantastic education for children. The teachers are knowledgeable, caring, and attentive to each child's needs. The curriculum is challenging and well-structured, helping students develop a strong foundation in various subjects. The school provides ample opportunities for extracurricular activities and promotes a well-rounded education. My child has had a wonderful experience at Salisbury Academy, and I highly recommend it to any parent looking for a high-quality educational institution.

2023-5-21 3:04:18

👏 Salisbury Academy provides an exceptional educat...

👏 Salisbury Academy provides an exceptional educational experience for students. The caring and knowledgeable teachers foster a love for learning and encourage students to explore their interests. The challenging curriculum prepares students for future success and promotes critical thinking skills. The school also offers a variety of extracurricular activities that enhance the educational experience. My child has excelled academically and personally since attending Salisbury Academy, and I highly recommend it to any parent seeking a quality education for their child.

2023-4-1 6:21:58

👍 Salisbury Academy is an outstanding educational ...

👍 Salisbury Academy is an outstanding educational institution. The faculty members are highly dedicated and skilled professionals who create a nurturing and engaging learning environment for the students. The curriculum is well-rounded and challenging, ensuring that each student receives a comprehensive education. The school's commitment to fostering creativity and critical thinking is commendable. I have witnessed my child's growth and development since enrolling, and I am incredibly impressed with the progress they have made. I highly recommend this school to any parent seeking an exceptional educational experience for their child.

2023-3-31 21:32:10

Salisbury Academy provides a top-notch education. ...

Salisbury Academy provides a top-notch education. The teachers go above and beyond to ensure the students' success. The curriculum is well-designed and offers a wide range of subjects to explore. The school encourages active participation and critical thinking skills. My child has flourished academically and socially since joining Salisbury Academy. I couldn't be happier with our experience here.

2023-2-24 14:41:54

I recently enrolled my child in an amazing educati...

I recently enrolled my child in an amazing educational institution. The teachers are highly dedicated professionals who create a nurturing and engaging learning environment for the students. The curriculum is well-rounded and challenging, ensuring that each student receives a comprehensive education. The school's commitment to fostering creativity and critical thinking is commendable. I have witnessed my child's growth and development since enrolling, and I am incredibly impressed with the progress they have made. I highly recommend this school to any parent seeking an exceptional educational experience for their child.

2022-12-31 21:57:18

I recently enrolled my child in a wonderful educat...

I recently enrolled my child in a wonderful educational institution. The teachers are highly dedicated professionals who create a nurturing and engaging learning environment for the students. The curriculum is well-rounded and challenging, ensuring that each student receives a comprehensive education. The school's commitment to fostering creativity and critical thinking is commendable. I have witnessed my child's growth and development since enrolling, and I am incredibly impressed with the progress they have made. I highly recommend this school to any parent seeking an exceptional educational experience for their child.

2022-12-20 23:33:21

I recently discovered a hidden gem in the educatio...

I recently discovered a hidden gem in the education sector. The teachers at this school are highly dedicated and passionate about their profession. They create an inclusive and stimulating learning environment that encourages students to reach their full potential. The curriculum is well-designed and promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. My child has thrived academically since joining this school, and I am truly impressed with the overall educational experience. I wholeheartedly recommend this school to all parents seeking an exceptional education for their children.

حول Salisbury academy

أكاديمية سالزبوري: توفير التعليم الجيد لرياض الأطفال الصغار لطلاب الصف الثامن

أكاديمية سالزبوري هي مدرسة نهارية خاصة ومختلطة تقع في سالزبوري بولاية نورث كارولينا. توفر المدرسة تعليمًا جيدًا للطلاب من رياض الأطفال إلى الصف الثامن. مع التركيز على التميز الأكاديمي وتطوير الشخصية ، أصبحت أكاديمية سالزبوري واحدة من أكثر المدارس رواجًا في المنطقة.

تتمثل مهمة المدرسة في توفير بيئة يمكن للطلاب من خلالها تطوير إمكاناتهم الكاملة أكاديميًا واجتماعيًا وعاطفيًا. يكرس أعضاء هيئة التدريس والموظفون في أكاديمية سالزبوري جهودهم لخلق جو من التنشئة يعزز الفضول الفكري ويشجع على النمو الشخصي.

البرامج الأكاديمية

في أكاديمية سالزبوري ، يتلقى الطلاب تعليمًا جيدًا يعدهم للنجاح في المدرسة الثانوية وما بعدها. يتضمن المنهج مواد أساسية مثل فنون اللغة الإنجليزية ، والرياضيات ، والعلوم ، والدراسات الاجتماعية ، واللغات الأجنبية (الإسبانية) ، وفصول الفنون (الفنون البصرية) ، ودروس الموسيقى (الجوقة أو الفرقة الموسيقية) ، وفصول التربية البدنية (PE) وكذلك برامج الإثراء. مثل نادي الروبوتات أو نادي الدراما.

المعلمون في أكاديمية سالزبوري هم من المهنيين المؤهلين تأهيلا عاليا ولديهم شغف بالتدريس. يستخدمون طرق التدريس المبتكرة التي تشرك الطلاب وتجعل التعلم ممتعًا. تضمن أحجام الفصول الصغيرة أن كل طالب يتلقى الاهتمام الفردي من معلميه.

تطوير شخصية

بالإضافة إلى التميز الأكاديمي ، يعد تطوير الشخصية أيضًا جزءًا مهمًا من المناهج الدراسية في أكاديمية سالزبوري. يتعلم الطلاب قيمًا مثل احترام آراء الآخرين أو معتقداتهم ؛ أمانة؛ مسؤولية؛ اللطف تجاه الآخرين بغض النظر عن الاختلافات بينهم مثل العرق / العرق / الدين وما إلى ذلك ؛ المثابرة عند مواجهة التحديات ؛ الانضباط الذاتي عندما يتعلق الأمر بإدارة الوقت بشكل فعال حتى يتمكنوا من تحقيق التوازن بين الأكاديميين والأنشطة اللامنهجية مثل الفرق الرياضية أو النوادي.

نشاطات خارجية

تقدم أكاديمية سالزبوري مجموعة واسعة من الأنشطة اللامنهجية المصممة لمساعدة الطلاب على استكشاف اهتماماتهم خارج بيئة الفصل الدراسي أثناء تطوير مهارات جديدة على طول الطريق. وتشمل هذه الفرق الرياضية مثل فريق كرة السلة أو كرة القدم ؛ الأندية مثل نادي الشطرنج أو فريق المناظرة ؛ مشاريع خدمة المجتمع حيث يمكنهم التطوع محليًا داخل مجتمعهم وما إلى ذلك.


يتميز الحرم الجامعي في أكاديمية سالزبوري بأحدث المرافق المصممة خصيصًا لاحتياجات المتعلمين الصغار: فصول دراسية مجهزة بتكنولوجيا السبورة التفاعلية التي تعزز تجربة التعلم من خلال جعلها أكثر تفاعلية من طريقة السبورة التقليدية المستخدمة قبل إدخال هذه التكنولوجيا في الفصول الدراسية في جميع أنحاء العالم ؛ مختبرات العلوم المجهزة بالمعدات الحديثة اللازمة لإجراء التجارب بأمان تحت إشراف محترفين مدربين يوجهونهم في كل خطوة على طول الطريق حتى الانتهاء بنجاح ؛ مكتبة مليئة بالكتب التي تغطي مواضيع مختلفة بما في ذلك الكتب الخيالية / الواقعية التي تلبي مستويات القراءة المختلفة بين الأطفال الذين يحضرون هذه الأكاديمية.


بشكل عام ، توفر أكاديمية سالزبوري تجربة تعليمية ممتازة تعد خريجيها ليس فقط أكاديميًا ولكن أيضًا اجتماعيًا / عاطفيًا على استعداد لحياة المدرسة الثانوية في المستقبل. من خلال تركيزها على التميز الأكاديمي جنبًا إلى جنب مع برامج تطوير الشخصية والأنشطة اللامنهجية والمرافق الحديثة ، فلا عجب لماذا يختار الآباء هذه المؤسسة على المدارس الأخرى في المنطقة. إذا كنت تبحث عن تعليم جيد يستحقه طفلك ، فابحث عن أكاديمية سالزبوري!
