المراجعات 13
2023-11-15 6:18:57

I absolutely love Smartup - social innovation lab!...

I absolutely love Smartup - social innovation lab! 😍 Their work is truly inspiring and they are making a real impact in the world. The team is incredibly talented and dedicated, and their website innovationlab.mk is top-notch. I have had the pleasure of working with them on multiple projects and each time has been a fantastic experience. Their commitment to social innovation is evident in everything they do. I cannot recommend Smartup - social innovation lab enough!

2023-10-27 21:59:12

I recently had the pleasure of collaborating with ...

I recently had the pleasure of collaborating with Smartup - social innovation lab, and I can't say enough good things about them. Their team is extremely knowledgeable and their dedication to social innovation is commendable. The website innovationlab.mk is a valuable resource for staying updated on their impressive work. I highly recommend working with Smartup - social innovation lab if you have the chance!

2023-10-20 18:17:50

I recently had the pleasure of collaborating with ...

I recently had the pleasure of collaborating with Smartup - social innovation lab and it was a wonderful experience. The team is incredibly dedicated and their expertise in social innovation is unmatched. Their website innovationlab.mk is a great platform for learning more about their incredible projects. I highly recommend working with Smartup - social innovation lab!

2023-7-4 7:34:34

Smartup - social innovation lab is an incredible c...

Smartup - social innovation lab is an incredible company that is truly making a difference. Their team is passionate and dedicated to creating innovative solutions for social challenges. The website innovationlab.mk is a great platform for learning more about their work. I highly recommend Smartup - social innovation lab!

2023-6-23 15:59:35

I recently had the opportunity to work with a soci...

I recently had the opportunity to work with a social innovation lab on a project and it was a fantastic experience. The team was incredibly knowledgeable and their expertise was evident in the quality of their work. The company's website was user-friendly and informative, making it easy to stay up to date with their latest projects and initiatives. Overall, I was extremely impressed with their professionalism and dedication to driving meaningful change. I would highly recommend this company to anyone interested in social innovation.

2023-5-23 18:16:38

I had a great experience working with a social inn...

I had a great experience working with a social innovation lab on a recent project. The team was incredibly talented and their passion for making a positive impact was evident. The website was user-friendly and provided valuable information about their ongoing projects. I highly recommend this company to anyone interested in social innovation.

2023-5-18 5:08:21

The team at Smartup - social innovation lab is abs...

The team at Smartup - social innovation lab is absolutely incredible! Their work is top-notch and their dedication to making a positive impact is unmatched. I had the pleasure of collaborating with them on a project recently and they exceeded all expectations. Their website innovationlab.mk is a great resource for staying updated on their initiatives. I highly recommend working with Smartup - social innovation lab if you have the chance!

2023-3-20 11:21:04

Smartup - social innovation lab is doing amazing w...

Smartup - social innovation lab is doing amazing work! Their team is incredibly talented, and their dedication to making a positive impact is inspiring. The website innovationlab.mk is a great resource for learning more about their projects and initiatives. I highly recommend Smartup - social innovation lab to anyone looking to support social innovation.

2023-2-22 2:57:35

I am really impressed with Smartup - social innova...

I am really impressed with Smartup - social innovation lab. 💯 Their work is outstanding and they are making a difference in the world. The team is incredibly dedicated and their passion shines through in everything they do. The website innovationlab.mk is a great platform for learning more about their innovative projects. I highly recommend Smartup - social innovation lab!

2023-1-25 5:17:22

I recently had the opportunity to work with a soci...

I recently had the opportunity to work with a social innovation lab on a project, and it was an amazing experience. The team was extremely knowledgeable and their expertise in the field was apparent. The company's website was user-friendly and provided valuable information about their work. I highly recommend this company to anyone interested in social innovation.

2022-12-15 23:18:27

I am truly impressed with Smartup - social innovat...

I am truly impressed with Smartup - social innovation lab. Their work is outstanding and their dedication to social innovation is commendable. The team is incredibly talented and their website innovationlab.mk is a valuable resource for staying informed about their initiatives. I highly recommend Smartup - social innovation lab!

2022-12-8 9:50:26

Smartup - social innovation lab is an incredible c...

Smartup - social innovation lab is an incredible company that is leading the way in social innovation. Their website innovationlab.mk is really impressive. The work they do is truly inspiring and they are making a real difference in the world. I have had the pleasure of working with them and I can say without a doubt that they are the best. Their team is knowledgeable, professional, and always willing to go the extra mile. I highly recommend Smartup - social innovation lab to anyone looking to make a positive impact.

2022-12-6 16:09:20

I had a great experience working with a social inn...

I had a great experience working with a social innovation lab on a recent project. The team was very professional and their expertise in the field was evident. Their website was user-friendly and provided valuable information about their work. I would highly recommend this company to anyone interested in social innovation.

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حول Smartup - social innovation lab

Smartup - مختبر الابتكار الاجتماعي: تمكين الأفراد والمنظمات من حل التحديات المجتمعية

Smartup هو مختبر ابتكار اجتماعي يعمل عبر التخصصات لإلهام الأفراد والمؤسسات وتمكينهم من حل التحديات المجتمعية الناشئة. تتمثل مهمة الشركة في خلق عالم أفضل من خلال مواجهة التحديات المعقدة من خلال الحلول المبتكرة.

تتعاون Smartup مع الشركات والحكومات والمنظمات غير الربحية والمنظمات الأخرى لتطوير حلول مستدامة تعالج أكثر القضايا إلحاحًا التي تواجه المجتمع اليوم. يجمع فريق خبراء الشركة بين وجهات نظر متنوعة من مختلف المجالات مثل التكنولوجيا والتفكير التصميمي وريادة الأعمال الاجتماعية وصنع السياسات والمزيد.

يؤمن فريق Smartup بقوة التعاون والإبداع المشترك. إنهم يعملون عن كثب مع عملائهم لفهم احتياجاتهم وأهدافهم قبل تطوير حلول مخصصة مصممة خصيصًا لهم. يضمن هذا النهج أن يكون كل حل فريدًا وفعالًا في مواجهة التحدي المحدد المطروح.

الابتكار هو أحد القيم الأساسية لـ Smartup. تشجع الشركة أعضاء فريقها على التفكير خارج الصندوق عند تطوير الحلول لعملائهم. إنهم يعتقدون أن الإبداع يمكن أن يؤدي إلى اختراقات الأفكار التي يمكن أن تغير العالم.

تتمتع Smartup بسجل حافل من النجاح في حل التحديات المعقدة عبر مختلف الصناعات مثل الرعاية الصحية والتعليم واستدامة البيئة والتخفيف من حدة الفقر وغيرها. ساعدت حلولهم المبتكرة في تحسين حياة الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم.

تقدم الشركة مجموعة من الخدمات بما في ذلك البحث والتطوير (R&D) والخدمات الاستشارية والاستشارية بالإضافة إلى برامج التدريب وبناء القدرات التي تهدف إلى تمكين الأفراد أو الفرق داخل المنظمات بالمهارات اللازمة لنهج حل المشكلات القائمة على الابتكار.

تدير Smartup أيضًا العديد من المبادرات التي تهدف إلى تعزيز الابتكار الاجتماعي على مستوى العالم مثل الهاكاثون حيث يتعاون المشاركون من خلفيات مختلفة (تقنيون / غير تقنيين) في حل المشكلات المجتمعية باستخدام الأساليب القائمة على التكنولوجيا ؛ برامج الحضانة حيث تتلقى الشركات الناشئة الدعم من خبراء SmartUp حول أفضل السبل لتوسيع نطاق أعمالها مع إحداث تأثير إيجابي داخل المجتمعات التي تخدمها ؛ برامج الإرشاد حيث يحصل المبتكرون الشباب على إرشادات من محترفين ذوي خبرة في مجالات تخصصهم.

لقد أكسبهم التزام Smartup بالابتكار الاجتماعي التقدير من مختلف المنظمات والمؤسسات. لقد فازوا بالعديد من الجوائز لحلولهم المبتكرة ، بما في ذلك زمالة Ashoka المرموقة ، والتي تكرم رواد الأعمال الاجتماعيين الذين يقومون بإحداث تغيير إيجابي في العالم.

في الختام ، Smartup هو مختبر ابتكار اجتماعي ملتزم بخلق عالم أفضل من خلال مواجهة التحديات المعقدة من خلال الحلول المبتكرة. يجمع فريق خبراء الشركة بين وجهات نظر متنوعة من مختلف المجالات لتطوير حلول مخصصة مصممة خصيصًا لكل عميل. ساعدهم التزامهم بالتعاون والإبداع والابتكار في حل التحديات المعقدة عبر مختلف الصناعات على مستوى العالم. إذا كنت تبحث عن شريك يمكنه مساعدتك في مواجهة التحديات المجتمعية الناشئة باستخدام نهج مبتكر ، فإن Smartup هو الخيار المناسب لك!

Smartup - social innovation lab

Smartup - social innovation lab
