المراجعات 10
2023-11-25 8:53:37

👌 Sticky Rice Travel provided an exceptional tour ...

👌 Sticky Rice Travel provided an exceptional tour experience. The guides were friendly and knowledgeable, and they made sure everyone was well taken care of. The itinerary was well-balanced, with a good mix of sightseeing and free time. The website was user-friendly, and the booking process was straightforward. I would definitely travel with Sticky Rice Travel again.

2023-10-25 10:25:17

I had an incredible time with Sticky Rice Travel. ...

I had an incredible time with Sticky Rice Travel. The guides were professional and went above and beyond to make sure everyone had a great experience. The itinerary was well-paced, and we had enough time to explore each destination. The website was user-friendly, and the booking process was straightforward. I would definitely travel with Sticky Rice Travel again.

2023-8-22 23:37:00

🌟 I can't recommend Sticky Rice Travel enough. The...

🌟 I can't recommend Sticky Rice Travel enough. The tour guides were fantastic and made the trip even more enjoyable. The itinerary was well-designed, and we got to experience the local culture and attractions. The website was user-friendly, and the booking process was smooth. I would definitely book another trip with Sticky Rice Travel.

2023-7-8 13:27:05

I recently went on a tour with a travel company an...

I recently went on a tour with a travel company and had a wonderful experience. The guides were knowledgeable and friendly, and they made sure everyone was having a great time. The itinerary was well-planned, and we got to see all the highlights of each destination. The booking process was straightforward, and the website was easy to navigate. I would highly recommend this travel company.

2023-5-18 12:07:49

👍 Sticky Rice Travel exceeded my expectations. The...

👍 Sticky Rice Travel exceeded my expectations. The tour guides were amazing and made the whole experience enjoyable. The itinerary was well-planned, and we had plenty of time to explore each destination. The website was easy to navigate, and the booking process was hassle-free. I would definitely book another tour with Sticky Rice Travel in the future.

2023-5-13 23:39:54

😊 Sticky Rice Travel exceeded my expectations. The...

😊 Sticky Rice Travel exceeded my expectations. The tour guides were knowledgeable and friendly, and they made the whole experience enjoyable. The itinerary was well-planned, and we got to see some amazing sights. The website was easy to use, and the booking process was seamless. I would highly recommend Sticky Rice Travel to anyone looking for a memorable travel experience.

2023-5-11 0:26:49

I had a great experience with Sticky Rice Travel. ...

I had a great experience with Sticky Rice Travel. The website was easy to navigate and had all the information I needed to plan my trip. The staff was friendly and helpful, and the tour guides were knowledgeable and enthusiastic. The itinerary was well-planned and allowed us to see and do everything we wanted. I would highly recommend Sticky Rice Travel to anyone looking to explore new destinations and have an unforgettable experience.

2023-4-12 20:32:17

I recently went on a tour with a travel company an...

I recently went on a tour with a travel company and had a wonderful experience. The guides were friendly and provided interesting insights about the places we visited. The itinerary was well-structured, and we had plenty of free time to explore on our own. The booking process was easy and efficient. I would highly recommend this travel company to others.

2023-1-26 17:52:23

The tour organized by Sticky Rice Travel was simpl...

The tour organized by Sticky Rice Travel was simply incredible. The guides were knowledgeable and passionate about the destinations we visited. The itinerary was well thought out, and the activities were diverse and interesting. The website was user-friendly, and the booking process was seamless. I would highly recommend Sticky Rice Travel to anyone looking to have an amazing travel experience.

2023-1-16 15:54:23

I recently booked a tour with a travel company and...

I recently booked a tour with a travel company and had a fantastic time. The tour guides were knowledgeable and friendly, and the itinerary was well-organized. I was able to see all the famous landmarks and try delicious local cuisine. The website was user-friendly, and the booking process was smooth. I would definitely recommend this travel company to anyone who wants to have a great travel experience.

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حول Sticky rice travel

سفر الأرز اللزج: خلق مغامرات ذات مغزى في بورنيو الماليزية

شركة Sticky Rice Travel هي شركة سفر مسؤولة مقرها في كوتا كينابالو ، صباح. تأسست الشركة بهدف خلق مغامرات هادفة للمسافرين الذين يرغبون في استكشاف جمال وتنوع بورنيو الماليزية مع إحداث تأثير إيجابي على المجتمعات المحلية والبيئة.

في Sticky Rice Travel ، نعتقد أن السفر يجب أن يكون أكثر من مجرد مشاهدة المعالم والتقاط الصور. يجب أن تكون فرصة للتعرف على الثقافات المختلفة ، والتواصل مع السكان المحليين ، والمساهمة في التنمية المستدامة. لهذا السبب نقدم مجموعة من التجارب الغامرة التي تسمح لضيوفنا بالابتعاد عن المسار المطروق وتجربة بورنيو مثل السكان المحليين.

تم تصميم جولاتنا لعرض عجائب بورنيو الطبيعية ، من غاباتها المطيرة المورقة وشواطئها البكر إلى الحياة البرية المتنوعة وثقافتها النابضة بالحياة. نحن نعمل عن كثب مع المجتمعات المحلية لضمان أن تكون جولاتنا أصلية ومحترمة ومفيدة لجميع المعنيين.

واحدة من جولاتنا الأكثر شعبية هي جولة كينابالو بارك آند بورينغ هوت سبرينغز. تأخذك هذه المغامرة التي تستغرق يومًا كاملاً في رحلة عبر واحدة من أكثر المنتزهات الوطنية شهرة في ماليزيا - جبل كينابالو - حيث يمكنك التنزه سيرًا على الأقدام عبر المناظر الطبيعية الخلابة المليئة بالنباتات والحيوانات النادرة قبل الاسترخاء في الينابيع الساخنة الطبيعية التي تحيط بها الغابات المورقة.

بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يرغبون في تجربة أكثر غامرة ، نقدم الإقامة مع العائلات المحلية حيث يمكنك التعرف على العادات التقليدية وتذوق الوجبات اللذيذة المطبوخة في المنزل المصنوعة من المكونات الطازجة التي يتم الحصول عليها من المزارع أو الأسواق القريبة مع الاستمتاع بالمناظر الخلابة على حقول الأرز أو المناظر الجبلية.

نوفر أيضًا فرصًا تطوعية لأولئك الذين يرغبون في رد الجميل أثناء رحلاتهم. تركز مشاريعنا السياحية المجتمعية على تمكين الفئات المهمشة مثل الحرفيات أو مجتمعات السكان الأصليين من خلال تزويدهم بالوصول إلى أسواق جديدة من خلال الأنشطة السياحية مثل ورش الحرف اليدوية أو العروض الثقافية.

في Sticky Rice Travel ، نحن ملتزمون ليس فقط بتزويد ضيوفنا بتجارب لا تُنسى ولكن أيضًا لإحداث تأثير إيجابي على البيئة والمجتمعات المحلية. نحن فخورون بكوننا عضوًا في شبكة السياحة المسؤولة ، التي تروج لممارسات السياحة المستدامة في ماليزيا وخارجها.

في الختام ، تعتبر شركة Sticky Rice Travel أكثر من مجرد شركة سفر - إنها مجتمع من المسافرين المتحمسين الذين يرغبون في إحداث فرق. سواء كنت تبحث عن مغامرة في الهواء الطلق أو فرصة للتواصل مع الناس والثقافات المحلية ، لدينا شيء للجميع. فلماذا لا تنضم إلينا في مغامرتنا القادمة في بورنيو الماليزية؟
