المراجعات 13
2023-11-19 21:11:34

🏥 I recently came across this dental academy's web...

🏥 I recently came across this dental academy's website while searching for educational opportunities in Ukraine. Overall, my experience with the website was average. The layout and design were simple and easy to navigate, with all the necessary information present. However, I found the lack of detailed program descriptions to be a bit disappointing. The website provided only brief summaries, leaving me wanting more specific information regarding course content and faculty expertise. On a positive note, the website did offer some helpful resources, such as a downloadable application form and contact information for further inquiries. Despite the average experience, I appreciated the effort to make the website concise and user-friendly. Overall, I would recommend this dental academy to those interested in pursuing a dental education, but I would advise potential students to reach out directly for more detailed information.

2023-10-27 0:06:10

The quality of education provided by the academy i...

The quality of education provided by the academy is outstanding. The faculty members are knowledgeable and experienced. They guide students effectively and provide practical exposure. I am grateful for the opportunity to study at Ukrainian medical stomatological academy, poltava.

2023-10-24 1:41:03

I recently completed my medical studies at an acad...

I recently completed my medical studies at an academy in Poltava. It was an incredible experience. The faculty members were well-qualified and supportive. The academy had all the necessary resources and facilities for effective learning. I highly recommend it to future medical professionals.

2023-10-1 18:02:02

👌 I am extremely satisfied with my education at Uk...

👌 I am extremely satisfied with my education at Ukrainian medical stomatological academy, poltava. The faculty members are highly competent and dedicated to providing quality education. The facilities and resources are top-notch. It has been an amazing experience.

2023-8-21 18:52:45

I recently completed my medical education at an ac...

I recently completed my medical education at an academy in Poltava. It was a great learning opportunity. The faculty members were experienced and provided valuable insights. The academy offered modern facilities and a conducive learning environment. I am grateful for the education and support I received.

2023-8-8 17:29:37

🌟 I am extremely satisfied with my experience at U...

🌟 I am extremely satisfied with my experience at Ukrainian medical stomatological academy, poltava. The faculty members are highly knowledgeable and dedicated. They provide comprehensive education and guidance. The academy has excellent facilities that facilitate effective learning. I highly recommend it to aspiring medical professionals.

2023-7-16 21:10:21

قدمت لي الأكاديمية الطبية الأوكرانية لطب الأسنان، ...

قدمت لي الأكاديمية الطبية الأوكرانية لطب الأسنان، بولتافا، تجربة تعليمية استثنائية. أعضاء هيئة التدريس على دراية وداعمة. تمتلك الأكاديمية مرافق وموارد حديثة تعزز عملية التعلم. أوصي به بشدة للمهنيين الطبيين الطموحين.

2023-5-14 14:13:56

I recently had the opportunity to study at a medic...

I recently had the opportunity to study at a medical academy in Poltava. The experience was phenomenal! The academy provided top-notch education with excellent support from the faculty. The facilities were modern and conducive to learning. I highly recommend this academy to anyone seeking a quality medical education.

2023-4-30 8:51:23

I must say that my experience with Ukrainian medic...

I must say that my experience with Ukrainian medical stomatological academy, poltava has been beyond my expectations. Their professionalism and dedication towards providing quality education is commendable. The faculty members are highly knowledgeable and always ready to help. The campus is well-equipped with modern facilities and resources. The academy also offers various extracurricular activities which helps in the overall development of the students.

2023-4-14 8:03:47

I recently completed my medical education at an ac...

I recently completed my medical education at an academy in Poltava. Overall, it was a great experience. The curriculum was well-structured and comprehensive. The faculty members were helpful and supportive. The academy provided a conducive learning environment. I recommend it to anyone interested in pursuing a career in medicine.

2023-4-4 16:32:49

The education I received at Ukrainian medical stom...

The education I received at Ukrainian medical stomatological academy, poltava was exceptional. The faculty members are experts in their respective fields and provide valuable insights. The academy has modern equipment and facilities, creating a conducive learning environment. I am grateful for the opportunity and highly recommend it.

2023-3-19 2:06:52

👍 I am extremely satisfied with my experience at U...

👍 I am extremely satisfied with my experience at Ukrainian medical stomatological academy, poltava. The faculty members are highly qualified and supportive. The academy provides state-of-the-art facilities and resources for students. The environment is friendly and conducive to learning. I highly recommend this academy to anyone looking for a medical education.

2023-2-26 17:37:43

💯 I am extremely satisfied with my decision to stu...

💯 I am extremely satisfied with my decision to study at Ukrainian medical stomatological academy, poltava. The faculty members are highly qualified and provide excellent guidance. The facilities are top-notch and the learning environment is great. It has been a wonderful experience.

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حول Ukrainian medical stomatological academy, poltava

الأكاديمية الطبية الأوكرانية لطب الأسنان ، بولتافا: مؤسسة رائدة في التعليم الطبي

الأكاديمية الطبية الأوكرانية لطب الأسنان (UMSA) هي مؤسسة مشهورة للتعليم العالي تقع في مدينة بولتافا ، أوكرانيا. تأسست UMSA في عام 1921 ، وهي توفر تعليمًا طبيًا عالي الجودة للطلاب من جميع أنحاء العالم منذ ما يقرب من قرن. اكتسبت الأكاديمية اعترافًا دوليًا ببرامجها الأكاديمية الممتازة ومرافقها الحديثة.

تقدم UMSA برامج البكالوريوس والدراسات العليا في مختلف مجالات الطب مثل طب الأسنان والصيدلة والتمريض والصحة العامة. توفر الأكاديمية أيضًا دورات تدريبية للمهنيين الطبيين الذين يرغبون في تعزيز مهاراتهم أو التخصص في مجال معين من الطب. مع أعضاء هيئة التدريس المؤهلين تأهيلا عاليا وطرق التدريس الحديثة ، تضمن UMSA حصول طلابها على أفضل تعليم ممكن.

واحدة من نقاط القوة الرئيسية في UMSA هو التزامها بالبحث. تضم الأكاديمية العديد من المراكز البحثية التي تركز على مجالات الطب المختلفة مثل أمراض القلب والأعصاب والأورام والأمراض المعدية. تجري هذه المراكز أحدث الأبحاث التي تساهم بشكل كبير في تقدم العلوم الطبية.

تم تجهيز حرم UMSA بمرافق حديثة توفر للطلاب بيئة تعليمية ممتازة. تمتلك الأكاديمية مختبرات مجهزة تجهيزًا جيدًا حيث يمكن للطلاب إجراء التجارب واكتساب الخبرة العملية. هناك أيضًا مكتبات مليئة بالكتب والمجلات حول مختلف جوانب الطب.

بصرف النظر عن التميز الأكاديمي ، تركز UMSA بشكل كبير على الأنشطة اللامنهجية أيضًا. تضم الأكاديمية عدة أندية طلابية تنظم فعاليات ثقافية وأنشطة رياضية على مدار العام. تساعد هذه الأنشطة الطلاب على تطوير مهاراتهم الاجتماعية مع تعزيز اللياقة البدنية أيضًا.

في السنوات الأخيرة ، أحرزت UMSA تقدمًا كبيرًا نحو أن تصبح مؤسسة عالمية حقًا من خلال إقامة شراكات مع الجامعات في جميع أنحاء العالم. لقد مكنت هذه الشراكات UMSA من تقديم برامج التبادل لكل من أعضاء هيئة التدريس والطلاب مما يسمح لهم بالتعرف على ثقافات مختلفة مع تعزيز مهاراتهم الأكاديمية والمهنية.

في الختام ، أكاديمية طب الأسنان الأوكرانية ، Poltava هي مؤسسة رائدة في التعليم الطبي التي اكتسبت اعترافًا دوليًا بتميزها الأكاديمي وقدراتها البحثية. مع مرافقها الحديثة ، وأعضاء هيئة التدريس المؤهلين تأهيلا عاليا ، والالتزام بتزويد الطلاب بتعليم جيد ، تعد UMSA خيارًا ممتازًا لأي شخص يسعى إلى ممارسة مهنة في الطب.

Ukrainian medical stomatological academy, poltava

Ukrainian medical stomatological academy, poltava
