المراجعات 9
2023-11-17 5:29:00

I recently stumbled upon a website that provides a...

I recently stumbled upon a website that provides a wealth of information and support for ovarian cancer patients and their families. The site, ovarian.org, offers a comprehensive range of resources, from symptom awareness to survivor stories and support networks. It is a valuable platform that aims to make a difference in the lives of those affected by ovarian cancer. I found the website to be well-organized, easy to navigate, and packed with helpful content. If you or someone you know is dealing with ovarian cancer, ovarian.org is definitely worth a visit.

2023-9-23 19:37:46

😊 The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, located a...

😊 The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, located at ovarian.org, is an amazing organization! They provide invaluable support and resources to women and families affected by ovarian cancer. The website is informative, user-friendly, and easy to navigate. The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition truly makes a difference in the lives of those facing this disease, offering hope, education, and support. I highly recommend ovarian.org to anyone seeking information, resources, or a community of support related to ovarian cancer. Keep up the fantastic work! 👍

2023-8-26 9:59:42

I am extremely grateful for the National Ovarian C...

I am extremely grateful for the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition and their dedication to supporting women with ovarian cancer. The resources available on their website, ovarian.org, have been invaluable to me and my family as we navigate this journey. The coalition's commitment to educating the public and advocating for improved care and treatment options is truly commendable. I especially appreciate the support groups and survivor stories available on ovarian.org, as they provide a sense of community and hope. If you or someone you know is dealing with ovarian cancer, I highly recommend reaching out to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition.

2023-6-26 23:43:27

The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition is an organi...

The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition is an organization that is near and dear to my heart. Their website, ovarian.org, is a valuable resource for women and families dealing with ovarian cancer. It provides crucial information about symptoms, treatment options, and support services. The coalition's dedication to raising awareness about this disease and supporting those affected by it is truly commendable. I have personally benefited from the resources and support provided by the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, and I cannot recommend them enough. If you or a loved one is dealing with ovarian cancer, ovarian.org is a must-visit.

2023-6-8 7:50:34

I recently discovered ovarian.org, a website dedic...

I recently discovered ovarian.org, a website dedicated to ovarian cancer awareness and support. I must say, it is an incredible resource for patients and their loved ones. The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition has done an exceptional job in providing comprehensive information about symptoms, treatments, and survivor stories. The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, ensuring that visitors can find the information they need quickly. I am truly impressed with the work of the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition and highly recommend ovarian.org to anyone seeking information or support related to ovarian cancer.

2023-5-5 21:18:35

👏 The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition is an incr...

👏 The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition is an incredible organization that is making a significant impact in the fight against ovarian cancer. I am truly impressed with their dedication to raising awareness, providing support, and advocating for better treatments and outcomes for patients. Their website, ovarian.org, is a comprehensive resource that offers a wealth of information and resources for women and families affected by ovarian cancer. I cannot recommend ovarian.org and the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition enough. Keep up the amazing work! 😊

2023-3-5 14:02:05

I recently came across a fantastic organization de...

I recently came across a fantastic organization dedicated to raising awareness about ovarian cancer and providing support for patients and their families. Their website, ovarian.org, is a wealth of information and resources, offering everything from information on symptoms and early detection to survivor stories and support groups. I found the site to be incredibly helpful and user-friendly, with easy navigation and up-to-date information. The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition truly cares about making a difference in the lives of those affected by ovarian cancer, and it shows in their dedication and commitment. I highly recommend checking out ovarian.org if you or someone you know is dealing with this disease.

2022-12-26 10:01:12

The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition is doing imp...

The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition is doing important work in raising awareness and providing support for women with ovarian cancer. Their website, ovarian.org, is a comprehensive resource for patients and their families, offering information on symptoms, treatment options, and survivor stories. The organization's commitment to education and advocacy is commendable, and they make a real difference in the lives of those affected by this disease. The resources and support provided by the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition are invaluable, and I highly recommend them to anyone seeking information or support related to ovarian cancer.

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حول National Ovarian Cancer Coalition

التحالف الوطني لسرطان المبيض (NOCC) هو منظمة غير ربحية تقود المعركة ضد سرطان المبيض في الولايات المتحدة. تأسست المنظمة في عام 1995 من قبل مجموعة من الناجيات من سرطان المبيض ، والمتخصصين في الرعاية الصحية ، والمدافعين الذين أدركوا الحاجة إلى زيادة الوعي والدعم للنساء المصابات بهذا المرض.

يعد سرطان المبيض من أكثر السرطانات فتكًا التي تصيب النساء اليوم. تشير التقديرات إلى أنه سيتم تشخيص أكثر من 22000 امرأة بسرطان المبيض هذا العام وحده ، وستموت أكثر من 14000 منهن. على الرغم من هذه الإحصاءات المزعجة ، لا يزال هناك الكثير مما لا نعرفه عن هذا المرض.

يعمل الائتلاف الوطني لسرطان المبيض بلا كلل لزيادة الوعي بسرطان المبيض وأعراضه. أنها توفر التعليم لكل من المرضى ومقدمي الرعاية الصحية حول طرق الكشف المبكر مثل الاختبارات الجينية وفحوصات الحوض. كما يقدمون خدمات الدعم للناجين وعائلاتهم من خلال برنامج SurvivorLink الخاص بهم.

بالإضافة إلى زيادة الوعي وتقديم خدمات الدعم ، تمول NOCC أيضًا الأبحاث في علاجات جديدة لسرطان المبيض. لقد دخلوا في شراكة مع كبار الباحثين في جميع أنحاء البلاد لتطوير علاجات جديدة يمكن أن تحسن النتائج للمرضى.

كان أحد أهم إنجازات NOCC هو عملهم في الدعوة إلى زيادة التمويل لأبحاث سرطان المبيض على المستوى الفيدرالي. من خلال جهود المناصرة التي بذلوها ، ساعدوا في تأمين تمويل بملايين الدولارات من الكونجرس لدعم البحث في علاجات جديدة لهذا المرض.

رسالة NOCC واضحة: إنهم ملتزمون بتحسين النتائج للنساء المصابات بسرطان المبيض من خلال التعليم ، والدعوة ، وخدمات الدعم ، وتمويل البحوث. لقد كان لعملهم بالفعل تأثير كبير على حياة عدد لا يحصى من النساء في جميع أنحاء أمريكا الذين يكافحون هذا المرض المدمر.

إذا كنت أنت أو أي شخص تحبه قد تأثرت بسرطان المبيض أو إذا كنت ترغب في معرفة المزيد حول كيفية المساعدة في محاربته ، يرجى زيارة موقع NOCC اليوم!

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition
